A Fashionable Drop from the Sky

I recently did a self portrait for an article in my university’s publication- Carnegie Mellon Today.

This was a huge achievement for me! It may not seem like much to you, but I wasn’t always sure what I wanted to “be” in college (who is?!) or where I wanted to take myself. I knew I wanted to be in the design world, but wasn’t quite sure where I fit in- as I’m sure my professors were aware…!!! Throughout my four years at Carnegie Mellon Design, and the 3 years since, I feel like I’ve come a LONG way in figuring things out.

I’m not only more confident in my work, but I’ve found a style and voice that seems to be appreciated by people (you guys!). I’ve been given SO many opportunities in my life, and I can’t wait to see what’s in my future- but for now, I’ll enjoy the present!

Check out (and laugh) at the article below…

Thanks for recognizing my achievements Carnegie Mellon!

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9 Responses to “A Fashionable Drop from the Sky”

  1. Marsha @ Splenderosa Says:

    Congrats, ladybug! This is so huge! I know you will be successful in anything you do. Love your artwork. Love it!

  2. salomé Says:


    CAMPAIGN: Preview Isabel MARANT AW11-12

  3. Donna Says:

    You are well on your way…keep following your dreams! Your talent will get you there!!

  4. Burcin Says:

    Ahahah that article is really a funny one, wish you the best luck, poop or not! : D


  5. eat.sleep.wear. Says:

    Katie, You are an absolutely AMAZING person!!!!! Keep on making beautiful things. xoxoxo Kim http://www.eatsleepwear.com

  6. Lucy Says:

    Congrats! You are such an amazing drawer I am so jealous!

  7. Ali Says:

    Great article, congratulations! the self portrait is lovely, I like your scarf!

  8. CinZilicious Says:

    I found ur blog last week and i just wanted to say, i loveeeeeeeee your stuff!!! Your fashion illustrations are sooo lovely and inspiring! So inspiring that in fact, i’ve decided to do smt too about findin my own passion, fingers crossed i get smt out of it whatever it may be,lol


  9. Esmée Says:

    Wow! Amazing!

    I run out of words.

    Your work is soooo amazing! OMYGOSH!

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